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Welcome to Braziel Dental Group web site. These are some of services we offer. Feel free to explore our site. If you have any questions regarding any of our services or other dental needs please feel free to give us a call at (310) 671-7112.Doctor Benjamin Braziel III

Bonding is a quick and easy way to repair minor faults in a tooth; whether from discoloration, cracking, or chipping. Unlike other procedures, all the materials are available in the office; no waiting for molds and custom fitted devices; unless the repair is being done on a decayed tooth, no anesthesia is necessary.

If you want to fill the space left by a missing tooth, a dental bridge might be the solution you've been looking for. There are a few types of dental bridges to choose from: Cantilever bridges are used to replace a tooth that does not have supporting teeth on both sides of the affected area. Maryland bonded bridges include artificial teeth and gums, and are held in place by a metal frame. Traditional bridges are the most common, and literally bridge the gap of an empty tooth space by securing a false tooth using crowns on the teeth on either side.

We all know that good oral hygiene keeps your teeth looking clean and shiny, but did you know that it's also essential to your overall health? It's true, poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, heart disease, stroke, and even diabetes. That's why dentists recommend that teeth be cleaned professionally twice a year. Teeth cleaning is the removal of dental plaque and tartar in order to prevent cavities, gingivitis and gum disease. The average dental cleaning is a routine procedure that is rarely painful and takes 30 to 45 minutes.

The main goal of traditional dentistry is to keep your teeth healthy and free of disease and decay; cosmetic dentistry takes oral hygiene to a whole new level, with a concentration on enhancing the overall look of your teeth. With cosmetic dentistry, even getting a cavity filled can be an opportunity to improve your smile. The smile is our window to the world, and it's the first thing that makes an impression on people we meet. So it's no wonder that more and more people are turning to cosmetic dentistry for corrective procedures and aesthetic enhancement.

Depending on the type of treatment you have received for your dental problem, it might be necessary to have your tooth restored to its original size and shape, supply additional physical support for the treated tooth, or get a complete "makeover" on the affected tooth. For cases like these, a crown is the most logical option.

Having complete dentures help with chewing as well as support one's facial structure and improve speech. With immediate dentures, you can have a full set of teeth while you are waiting for your gums to heal and your bone to realign after having teeth removed. This can take up to six months, so immediate dentures are a great alternative. Partial dentures can replace a string of missing teeth, and are secured to your remaining teeth with clasps.

There are many reasons to perform a tooth extraction, including: Incoming wisdom teeth that are impacted or otherwise painful, making room for newly arranged teeth in patients who have braces, removal of extra teeth, acute tooth decay, infection, or gum disease. A tooth that has already broken through the gum line, making it visible, requires a simple extraction. We perform surgical extractions when the tooth cannot be reached easily.

When a severe dental problem calls for the removal of an entire tooth, it doesn't mean you'll be toothless! Dental implants ensure your smile stays big and beautiful. The implant is placed into your jaw, so your bone can grow around it. Dental implants are usually in the shape of a cylinder and made from titanium, a metal known for its bio-compatibility and lightweight properties. While placing a metal fixture into one's jaw sounds like it would be considered major surgery, dental implant surgery is simple and relatively painless.

Dentists are licensed to practice dentistry on both children and adults. The dentists on our staff are teachers as well as healers. Many children learn their best oral hygiene habits from our dentists, including: Brushing, flossing, feeling comfortable in a dentist's office, how to avoid tooth decay, facts and information in a way that is understandable for children.

If a tooth is decayed or cracked, it is overly susceptible to a level of infection that can cause tooth loss. In order to prevent infection, or in more serious cases to rid the tooth of an existing infection, endodontic therapy; also known as root canal surgery becomes a necessary option for patients.

Veneers are used by our dentists for a variety of cosmetic applications, including: Repair of small chips or cracks, filling of unsightly spaces, making teeth even and uniform, or covering severe dullness or discoloration. Veneers are made from either porcelain or a resin composite, either at our dental lab or in the office. When a veneer is used for repairing just one tooth or a small number of teeth the color is matched to your other teeth after a professional cleaning.

Many people associate professional teeth whitening with movie stars and brides, but it is the most popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry. Those of us with stained teeth tend to brush more vigorously. This can remove the enamel from your teeth, causing further discoloration and serious dental problems. Others use over the counter whitening kits, but they don't have the prescription strength and lasting effects of a professional teeth whitening procedure.